Saturday, July 07, 2007

New BATO = New Adult Titans

Yes!!! It’s not exactly one of the teams I asked for, but close enough.

The other fantastic news here is that the absence of Nightwing paves the way for the teased “adult Titans” team. If I were a betting man, I’d lay money on prediction that one of the forthcoming Countdown teases (which are gorgeous, btw) will be a pic of the New Adult Titans Team.

My fantasy line-up? So glad you asked.

The first orders of business:

1) Re-age Raven. The teen Raven has been a ridiculous cartoon tie-in marketing gimmick that completely ignores the nature of the character from the get-go.

2) A return of the real Brother Blood and his Church. Plus Arella and Mother Mayhem.

3) In the background, Trigon is rising...

4) Bring back Lilith. She's about as dead as Donna Troy was after that terrible miniseries that set up Johns's Teen Titans.

5) More "Children of the Sun." Was that ever resolved? Was it retconned out of existence? I can't remember.

6) A proper Tamaran epic.

As to the issue of who should write this title... Must I even spell it out?

Thank you.


Leigh Walton said...

Hey Jim, I just wanted to let you know I've thrown my hat in the ring and launched my own comic blog. Most recently I've been reacting to Douglas Wolk's new book Reading Comics. If you'd like to take a look, it's at Thanks, and keep blogging!


Jim Roeg said...

Good to hear from you, leigh - that blog looks great. I'll add it to my sidebar. Check it out people!

Anonymous said...

It's been almost two months and I'm desperate for a Roeg fix!

Not that there are any monthly comics I'm following other than Morrison's Batman. Otherwise I'm holding my breath till the second HC of All Star Superman.

At the moment I'm in the middle of the Jack Kirby Omnibus Vol. 1, which is all brand new to me! Why buy crappy new comics when I can get the good stuff straight from The Source!

Geoff Klock said...

Jim: I do not know how to reach you. I think I lost your email address. If you get this, go to my blog, get my e mail address of off my profile page, and drop me a line. I wanted to ask you something. I miss your blog.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jim,

Did you catch the announcement that Judd Winick is doing a series basically using your dream lineup?

Anonymous said...

Looks good thing.


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